Add Texture To A Room & Watch It Transform Into Something Cozy

Add texture to a room and keep it from feeling cold and sterile because honestly who likes to step into a room and feel cold and sterile?Not you and for sure not me.

To avoid your room from feeling cold, lets talk about texture and when I say texture, I mean different materials (soft or hard) including patterns and this can be things like:Leather, silk, cotton, velvet, glass, plastic, metal, wood, feather, fur, textured wall paper, woven things like baskets, ceramic stones like marble, granite, quartz, and even plants just to name a few.

Let me give you an example to help break things down okay?

So think of a cold all white room with only leather couches, white flat walls, white artwork, basically white everything.

Doesn’t it sound boring, cold and sterile as shit?!

Add Texture To A Room & Watch It Transform

So let's flip it by warming things up and adding some different textures to this boring ass all white room.

Let me see...let's go ahead and add some much needed fur and cotton pillows, maybe an animal print rug, a marble coffee table, silver/gold picture frames, switch out one of the couches with a soft velvet chair, and add a plant.  I can go on and on, but you see where I’m going with this?

By mixing things up and layering different textures or materials in a room, it makes it look and feel sooooo much warmer even if for the most part things are the same color.  Let me give you a visual so that you can really soak this in.  

Here's a pic of a room with not a lot of color, but still feels warm because of all the textures used in it (how many textures can you spot?):

There's easily 10 different textures up in this room, but really let me know how many you were able to spot.

texture in a room

Now here's an example of a room filled with textures that also has bold colors (this is the home of a fellow designer, Shavonda Gardner that I love, love, love.  Go check out her IG here).

add texture to a room

That’s It!

So now that you understand how to add texture to a room, go on and get to turning your room into something cozy and warm.

Now if you’re not feeling confident and instead feel stuck with decorating your space & need one on one help taking it from boring into a place that you never want to leave, then hit me up here.