Help Your Kiddo Feel at Home With These Cool Dorm Room Ideas


Have a kiddo going away to college in the fall?You are not alone!  I cringe the closer August creeps up (yikes!).I don't want my baby girl, Sereena, to move out, but she is doing just that.  Well at least that's the case for the next four years... :-(To add salt to my wound (I'm so being a drama queen I know, but we've been tag team partners for 18 years, it's so hard to cope I tell you), I just received a dorm room supply list from her school.  I was excited to see all of the time saving "essential bundles" (you know..the bed in a bag, towels and all that good stuff) in the catalog, but I was a bit disappointed to see the few ways that my baby was able to add a touch of her personality to her space.So the decorator in me went to work and gathered a few items that I know would help my baby feel more at home or better known take on cool dorm room ideas. (and yes, you read right, I said baby-although she is 18, she will always be my baby)These are items that have my daughter written all over them and they work perfectly in a small space. She absolutely loves Audrey Hepburn, she loves to read and so she has a lot of books, loves owls and dreams of one day visiting Paris.  So a shopping I went (more like website hopping).But that's the cool thing about eDesign, you source items that you love and will fit in your space and you can either 1) go crazy hitting that "buy now" button or 2) buy pieces a bit at a time.  Cool right?  I think so...So without further a due, take a look at the cool dorm room ideas that I came up with for my book obsessed, Audrey Hepburn lover, owl enthusiast, Paris dreaming daughter.  Oh and I forgot to mention that the total for the entire list is under $120!dorm-room-essentials 1. Shelving Unit/Nightstand/Bookcase  $34.95  [highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]//[/highlight] 2. Paris Themed Notebook $3.97 [highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]//[/highlight] 3. Audrey Hepburn Poster $8.99 [highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]//[/highlight] 4. Case $6.97 [highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]//[/highlight] 5. Storage Cube $5.99 [highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]//[/highlight] 6. Desk Organizer  $16.99 [highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]//[/highlight] 7. Desk Mirror $9.99 [highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]//[/highlight] 8. Table Lamp $16.99 [highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]//[/highlight] 9. Flower  $1.99 [highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]//[/highlight] 10. Vase $ .79Obsessed with e-Design like I am, but need help bringing your room's vision to life?  Take a peek at e-Design for some decorating help.