Reality Check: Decorating Mistakes Happen


I'm going to keep it real with you because that's what I do.  No matter how much planning you do with your decorating project, decorating mistakes happen.  They just do.Whether it's picking the wrong paint color or not hanging your wall art correctly or forgetting an item off of your supply list, the list can go on and on and on.I say this to say, stop being so hard on yourself!We all make mistakes, even decorating mistakes.  Myself included!I'm going to keep it real with you because that's what I do. No matter how much planning you do with your decorating project, decorating mistakes happen. They just will. Whether it's picking the wrong paint color or not hanging your wall art correctly or forgetting an item off of your supply list, the list can go on and on and on. I say this to say, stop being so hard on yourself! We all make mistakes, even decorating mistakes. Myself included! Click through for the interior design tipsShall we talk about the time that I forgot to buy wall anchors for my wall shelf project and had to go back to the hardware store to get them because the first time, the kids were distracting me and I crossed the item off my supply list by mistake (yeah that happened and continues to happen) or the time that I hated the paint color I picked out for the bathroom even after testing it out and going through my no fail trick on how to pick out paint color (somehow the color didn't look so good on the cabinet even though it was the exact same color as the sample!).It happens.Don't let this be the reason why you're not making any decorating decisions: the fear of making a mistake.What's the worse that can happen?  You fuck it up.  So what.Scratch it and start over while keeping in mind what just happened so that this time around you can avoid the mistake and not make it twice.Decorating mistakes happen and of course I want you to try to prevent  them, but creativity isn't a perfect process to begin with so with that said, not all things turn out as planned and that's okay.Let this post be the reason you feel inspired to finally go all in and paint your room a bold new color or finally hang that gallery wall or stencil your wall or just pick out a new sofa.Whatever your fear is, take a risk and just do it!  You got this!

There You Have It!

Now if you need one on one help to transform your room from boring into a room that you never want to leave, then hit me up here.