I'm Focused Man!

Although I won't be able to make my deadline of 1/28, for my Unit 4 project, I've made great strides on my TO Do List....so here goes:
-Register my Biz Name 
-Finish my business plan...decided not to do one, since I'm not going to ask for financing, just made a simple production schedule with a list of details that need to handled and by when-Meet with an attorney for advice on possible trademarking issues -Order biz cards-Update my homeowner's insurance policy to cover my home business-Open a biz bank account-Set up a biz phone line or perhaps an answering service (I found an affordable vendor, Freedom Voice whose forwarding service also includes a fax line all for $9.95 mon) (Will get to soon...a must for business cards purposes) I'm holding off on this for now.-Continue to source web design services (perhaps I can find a student or intern who can take on building my website??; I don't like any of the free templates out there-quality reflects professionalism) Finally created with Go Daddy; www.julieshomedesigns.com--only two lines up, but it's a start, especially if I want to cross off the business cards item off of this list! :-) Added 5 pages including my portfolio.  I'm having fun editing my website!-Purchase a Design and Accounting Software (until I can afford to purchase software, I'm playing around with Google's Sketch Up for some practice---it's FREE so why not? and me loves FREE!) I'm testing Design Softwares now...and I think that I'm ready to make my purchase.  ohh! and I signed up for a FREE trial of Quickbooks too!-Finalize pricing of services (almost done)-Finalize a mission statement (almost done)-Brainstorm services to be offered
-Brainstorm logo ideas Logo Finalized!
-Continue to work on a list of store resources (furniture, home accessories, rugs, etc)
-Marketing (I'm also thinking about registering for a marketing course at FIT...info session scheduled for 1/26/12  They'll help me with drafting a marketing plan, which is really time consuming.  So I've decided to reach out for some help.  Although it is a night course, it's worth the inconvenience.)
-PO Box Rental (Priced at $76/yr) I'm holding off on this for now.

I do however have to focus on completing my Unit 4 project...I'm close, but I could be closer.  I must admit that researching for my biz has been far more exciting than studying, but I must remain focused and do a better job of multi-tasking.  So I promise that in my next post I'll be announcing that I shipped my project off for grading! I promise!!So with that said, new deadline......2/11!! :-)))Follow Your Passion and Find Inner Peace!!!