How To Keep a Kids Room Organized: Easy Peasy Tips



It's been another looong day.

The kids are finally in bed and you're entering their room to check in on them for the night, when…..

You step on a fucking lego or in my case, a damn John Cena wrestling toy!  grrrrr!

Shit, these damn kids!  How may times must I tell them (or scream at them) about picking up their fucking toys?!

Then you catch yourself during your cuss filled rant because you know damn well that there's no organization system in place to help them to stay organized.

Clothes are everywhere, toys are everywhere, books are everywhere, it's just all a hot mess and you can't take it anymore!

Now if only there was a way to keep it all tidy and easy for them to upkeep themselves!  I need to come up with ways on how to keep a kids room organized fast!

Look I get it!  I have 4 munchkins (18, 10, 5 and the little miss sassy pants who's 2, but acts like she's about to turn 15) and the messiness doesn't go away even with my 18 year old.  Yup, i said it.  I'm not here to feed you this big 'ol lie that you see on HGTV or all of these decor magazines about how you can get your kids' room to look all neat and organized and keep it that way.

That's bullshit.  yeah i said it, BULLSHIT!  It doesn't work.

What I can tell you is that with a few key pieces, you can make some BIG improvements that will make you and your kids lives easier.

Now in my case, my three youngest kids share a room and it's a tight situation, so with that said, I have to get creative to make sure that I use the space wisely.

How To Keep a Kids Room Organized

1. Large Floor Baskets $19.95   //  2. Storage Cube $9.99   //  3. Wall Pocket Organizer $3.99  //  4. Picture Ledges $9.99   //  5. Hanging Closet Organizer starting at $12.97  //  6. Pencil Bins .99 each   //  7. Large Storage Bin $22.88   //  8. Wall Storage Bins $39

[highlight background_color="" text_color="25a6a6"]Here's a rundown of my picks and why they made my list:[/highlight]

Large Floor Bins

These are so perfect for keeping your kids favorite toys stored on the floor.  Why?  Easy access plus it stops them from calling you to help them grab a toy from up high.

Storage Cubes

I like to hang these on the wall for stuffed animals and things like that.

Wall Pocket Organizer

I like to use these for small things that my kids like to access like wrestling toys or leggos.

Picture Ledges

Now these don't just have to be used for pictures!  Try putting your kids' books on them.  I use these in my kids room and it makes for a great space saver instead of a traditional bookcase.

Hanging Closet Organizer

Another space saver that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.  These are a good alternative to a huge dresser to house clothes.

Pencil Cup

These cuties hang from a rod and are actually used for kitchen wall storage, but who says that you have to use them for the kitchen?  I think they're perfect for organizing pencils, crayons, glue, chalk and paint brushes up on the wall in a kids room.

Large Storage Bin

Instead of a hard bulky traditional toy chest, I like this fabric storage bin instead. They're big and soft in case your kids are anything like mine (loving to jump into the toy chest - smh)

Wall Storage Bins

These are studier than the wall pockets, which are great for heavier toys.

Your Turn!

So how about that?

I've just given you all of these ideas for how to keep a kids room organized.

Still stumped and don't think you can pull it off together on your own, then let's chat.

Picture ledge photo courtesy of: Sita Montgomery Interiors