Keep On Moving

Wonderful news to share...Unit 3 Design Course grade has arrived aaaannnnnnddddd iiiiittttt'''sssss a B+! oh yeah baby! Very proud of myself I must say since I've been working on school and my short term to do list simultaneously.Oh and by the way here's an update on the status of my short term To Do List for bringing my dream to life:-Register my Biz Name-Finish my business plan-Meet with an attorney for advice on possible trademarking issues (and yes there was an issue with the business name that I wanted, so change of name)-Order biz cards-Update my homeowner's insurance policy to cover my home business-Open a biz bank account-Set up a biz phone line or perhaps an answering service-Source web design services (perhaps I can find a student or intern who can take on building my website??; I don't like any of the free templates out there-quality reflects professionalism)-Purchase a Design and Accounting Software-Finalize pricing of services-Finalize a mission statement-Brainstorm logo ideas-Continue to work on a list of store resources (furniture, home accessories, rugs, etc)So much to do, but I will pace myself so that I can be present in the moment of such a fulfilling time in my life. What an amazing and proud feeling I get when I reminisce about my life and where I was just one year ago up until the present moment....God is great! I've gone from feeling miserable and unfulfilled to just a sense of wholeness and happiness. Life is great...the good and the bad...we may stumble, we may fall, but we learn and we become greater because of our journey all while moving along one step at a time.Follow Your Passion and Find Inner Peace!!!