My 4 Go To Furniture Pieces For Small Space Living

I know, I know, you can't take your small space anymore.

Small space living can be a bitch.  I know.  I grew up in NYC in a studio with my mom and three sisters. I get it.

You can stop all that complaining now because I'm here to rescue you!

Some time ago, I had written a blog post giving you a few decorating tips for your small space

Thanks to you, my loyal readers, this post was a popular one.  (you are awesome! yes, I'm talking to you over there! wink wink)

Because of this, I wanted to dig a bit deeper on this decorating dilemma and share my go to small space living finds with you.

Watch below as I share my finds for small space living & tips on how they can help you to get the most use out of your small space.

I’d love to hear from you below…

Which furniture piece will help you to get more function out of your small space and help tame your small space living migraine?