Ways To Feel Peaceful At Home
Life is going to life so how are you going to recharge when this is happening? How are you going to bounce back from a long day? One way is to allow your home to serve you as a sanctuary and allow you to feel peaceful at home.
Believe it or not your home can do that for you because interior design is a healing modality that helps to rejuvenate, recharge and support you to be your best self in your safe space.
Your space can either support you on your wellness journey or impact your mental health and I for sure want the former for you.
So let’s break down the ways that you can feel peaceful at home…
Ways To Feel Peaceful At Home: #1 Light Up Some Incense
This has been hands down my fave thing to do as soon as I walk in the door from a long day out in these NYC streets.
When we’re out and about, we pick up so much energy from our environment and people we come in contact with and that can stick with us all throughout the day and enter our homes when we walk through the door so it’s a great practice to do some clearing. Incense works beautifully for that.
Some other smudging options are sage, palo santo or just doing a clearing exercise where you visualize the energy in your home being cleansed and replaced with high vibrational energy. I like to envision a gentle tornado sweeping up the negative vibes in my home to make room for all the peaceful vibes to enter.
Ways To Feel Peaceful At Home: #2 Play Some Music
Long gone are the days that I blast some Mob Deep to take the stress of my day away (I shouldn’t say gone bc those days are still a thing), but for when I want to zen out and feel peaceful at home, jazz is my go to.
Sometimes some old school R&B, marimba, or binaural beats can do the trick too. Different types of music vibrate at different frequencies so the type of music that we play in our homes really does affect our mood and how we feel in our spaces. That’s probably why sound bowls have become so mainstream. Sound is truly powerful.
Ways To Feel Peaceful At Home: #3 Clear Out The Clutter
Clutter is the cousin of chaos! It brings us nothing but bad energy and it takes up precious space in our home.
I will say this until I’m blue in the face. Clutter does nothing but stop good energy like abundance, peace, calm and ease from taking up space in your home. It takes over rooms and leaves no crevice behind for anything good to enter. It’s a total rejection of good energy so why are you rejecting good energy? Instead, clear out the clutter so that you can communicate to the Universe that you’re ready to receive all of the abundance, good vibes and best of all peace because you have space for it to now take up all the space in your home.
Ways To Feel Peaceful At Home: #4 Comfortable Furniture
This is why selecting the perfect furniture pieces are vital to not only creating a beautiful space, but creating a room that functions well and is comfortable.
You cannot feel peaceful at home without comfortable furniture or a good furniture layout. Being able to have all of the items you need in a space to help support you in the way that you need your space to serve you is needed for you to feel at peace in your home. Without this element, all you’re left with is a cute space, but not a space that supports you or brings you peace so then what’s really the point?
What’s the point of a cute couch that feels like cement when you sit on it? How is that bringing you peace?
Ways To Feel Peaceful At Home: #5 Cozy Textures
Let’s run down the list of possibilities here:
area rug
throw pillows in fabrics like velvet, faux fur, corduroy, silk, etc
throw blanket
linen sheets
I can go on and on and on, but I’ll stop here. The aim here is to gravitate towards textures or fabrics that feel amazing to you and would allow you to feel peaceful at home.
Ways To Feel Peaceful At Home: #6 Colors
The big debate of airy colors versus jewel tone colors. Listen, I’ve always said to gravitate towards the shade of a color that makes you feel all of the good vibes.
Me, personally, I’m a jewel tone type of chick. Jewel tones feel so cozy and rich to me and that brings me peace. You on the other hand, may be the complete opposite and neutrals or lighter tones or hues of a color bring out those same emotions for you. This is why getting to know yourself, your style, personality is crucial for decorating since your space should be a complete reflection of who you are and allow you to feel peaceful and balanced.
Ways To Feel Peaceful At Home: #7 Mattress
Investing in a good mattress is everything. I mean, most of us spend at least 8 hours of our time on one so why not let it be something that helps us to relax and enter that REM stage of sleep. Now I don’t know about you, but I over here would much rather enjoy a good nights sleep adventuring the cosmos instead of wasting my precious time tossing and turning because of a bad mattress.
Invest in a mattress the way you invest on an unforgettable vacation. It does wonders for your body because when you can have some good sleep, your mental health also benefits. Come on peace and tranquility!
Let’s work together
If you are ready to elevate your home to match your vibe, then hit me up here to help you to transform your space so that you can finally feel peaceful at home.
Align with your space
Transform your space just like you've transformed yourself to become a better you.