Reconnecting With My Inner Crafty

I've taken on a new hobby, sewing and I must say that I'm addicted!I purchased my first machine a Janome along with some sewing supplies to make my projects move along much faster such as a cutting mat, rotary knife and sewing kit (complete with all of the accessories needed under the sun).So far I've created an envelope pillowcase while following Crafty Gemini's YouTube tutorials, which you can find and a breastfeeding pillow (boppy) for my sis who just had a baby girl! It's amazing what you can find on YouTube these days. Well anyways below are my completed projects so far. I've also created a new tab to house my new sewing projects (the ones shown here and my future projects). The tab is called Sewing Projects at the top of this page. My current project in the making....bedroom curtains! I am lengthening the curtains that I have now so that I can raise my curtain rod for added drama and the illusion of a taller ceiling (pic to follow on my new tab-Sewing Projects). It's truly amazing what you can do if you just simply try. Sewing was something that I've always wanted to try, especially since my mom use to work in sweat shops when she first arrived in this country about 40 years ago. I can still remember the Singer machines in our tiny studio apt and admiring them. Well I purchased mine and taught myself how to sew on my new machine all with the help of the internet. So I will soon challenge myself with making clothes. Another area that I want to reconnect with is knitting. I use to knit years ago, even knitted my daughter Sereena her baby blanket while pregnant with her 15 years ago. I found it so calming and relaxing. So I will purchase some yarn and needles on my next trip to Walmart...perhaps a scarf for this breezy and cold Winter?

Follow Your Passion and Find Inner Peace!!!