5 Tips You Can Use Now To Revamp Your Room


You hate your room.  I get it.  I also get that you're strapped with cash so a huge makeover just isn't in the cards for you.  So you missy, must get savvy and by savvy, I mean creative.My golden rule is to always save a little somethin' somethin' to splurge on a few quality pieces for your room since they will last you a few years, but for you at this very moment, a splurge just is not an option.   In your case, you’ll have to put in time to get a room that you love.What do I mean by time? In other words, you’ll have to spend time rolling up your sleeves and getting a little dirty by tackling some DIY projects so that you can create a room that you can tolerate.  That is until you can afford to get a real makeover.  There’s just no way around it.  Sorry, but just keeping it real with ya!Here are 5 tips you can use now to revamp your room and I’m not talking about things you’ve heard before like a new paint job.  That works don’t get me wrong, but there’s more that you can do to upgrade that room of yours when you're strapped for cash.

Ready? Let’s get to it then…

Revamp Your Room: Rearrange

Sometimes all it takes to breathe some fresh air into your room is a new layout. So get your workout on and start moving some furniture around to make your room flow better. Maybe turn your sofa on an angle or swap some pieces or get rid of some pieces. The key here is to take a look at your space in a new light to see how it can serve you better.Not sure how to get started on rearranging your room? Pop on over to how to rearrange your room for some easy to follow tips.revamp your room rearrange image

Revamp Your Room: Dress Up Your Bed

Give your bed some attention by dressing it up with a headboard.  Now headboards can be super expensive, but I’ve got a trick up my sleeve to help you and all that’s involved is a staple gun, fabric and a blank canvas.Ready?   Grab a pretty fabric and stretch it over the blank canvas, staple it secure and hang it behind your bed. Now you’ve got yourself a dressed up bed for about $30!  revamp your room headboard

Revamp Your Room: Hardware

Give your dresser or kitchen cabinets a makeover by switching out the hardware. You can go for hardware in a chic gold color or get creative with some spray paint for a pop of color.revamp your room hardware image

Revamp Your Room: Upgrade What You Already Have

Give your accessories a new look by painting them a new color.  Not sure which accessories to give a makeover?  How about your mirror, vase, chandelier, trinket or even your bookcase (remove the back panel and paint it a pretty bold color for instant face lift!)revamp your room image

Revamp Your Room: Contain The Clutter

I don’t know about you, but clutter can make me feel damn near depressed.I’m not saying you should become a step ford wife or get all OCD (Lord knows that I’m not!).  The last thing that I want is for your head to start ticking from side to side from all of the stress that a messy room puts on you, but we should all try to have some order in our space.  An orderly space clears the mind and reduces anxiety and not for nothing, it makes a HUGE difference to see a clean table surface without it being “decorated” with junk mail or bills.  Can’t you just feel the tension in your shoulders disappearing?  I know I can!revamp your roomSo there you have it, a few tips to get you to revamp your room when you're on a tight budget.

So what you're waiting for?

Get to decorating missy!  But, if you're not ready, I won't push you, but you can reach out and we can do this together.  So let's chat.