Train the Trainer

So what's the next step in transforming my dream into reality? Figure out what is missing and that is..... Training!  If I want to become an Interior Designer, I will need adequate training.  Even with all of the natural talent in the world, you still want to be taken seriously and nothing does that more than education.And after researching all of the Design schools in NYC, I ultimately chose the Sheffield School of Interior Design ( to my surprise since it is an online school.  It was my first try at doing something out of the ordinary and it turned out to make the most sense after all!  I am able to work at my own pace and not have to deal with another crazy schedule in my life.  All of the other schools that I looked into offered classes in the evening and were also crazy expensive and with UI benefits and three kids, our budget couldn't be tighter.I just received feedback on my first assignment (my first sketch of my very own living room).  Not as bad as I on to my second assignment (there are six all together), which just arrived this Friday, I will get to create a floor plan.  I'm really excited about this unit...looks really hard to me, but I know that I will do just fine.  I tend to panic at times of uncertainty, but in the end I always prevail.So in the meantime, I am continuing to tackle some DIY projects at home ie: stenciling a focal wall in my living room (a much much cheaper alternative to wall paper...about $20 including cost of supplies--at the moment can't decide on a design).  Before and after pics to be posted soon....hey a chic has got to practice somehow and why not build a portfolio in the process?