Chic Halloween Home Decor Ideas To Make Your Room Stand Out


Looking to make your room stand out from the bunch on Halloween?Well you can do just that by infusing some chic Halloween home decor ideas into your room.Trust me, no one is going to scold you for not going the traditional, fake webs, hanging skeletons, smoke making decor trends.  In fact, your peeps might just admire you a bit for giving Halloween a twist of chicness.Take a look at the chic Halloween home decor ideas that I picked just for you.  Oh and I'm sure that you'll want to keep these up all year round-especially for the Fall.Onto the picks...halloween home decor ideas 1. Skull Print  $29.99I can so picture this print in a gold frame for a chic look.  Don't think that skulls are only for the gothic crowd.  I think it translates bad ass and I don't know about you, but being a bad ass is pretty cool.2. Fur Pillow Cover  $12.95This black pillow cover is so cozy.   Perfect for the brisk fall nights.  Oh and the faux fur is super chic!3. Jewelry Tree $89Now I've seen these jewelry trees in silver, but the gold metal color gives it a bit of sophistication and class with is an excellent balance to all of the jewelry stacked on it.4. Candle Stick $12.95I love how these candle sticks are not your typical shaped candle sticks.  They tree branch shape gives it a natural feet the metal makes it classy.  Home run for a holiday dinner.5. Halloween Glassware $39.99 for set of 4You don't have to serve drinks in a boring bloody cup when you serve your guests these sleek gold rimmed glasses.  A skull or snake will be ready to greet them at the end of their drink!6. Stripe Pillow Cover $5.95When I saw these, I instantly thought of beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice! :-)7. Skull Pillow Cover $12.95I love how they used beading to carve out the black skull on this pillow.  It gives it a bit of glam and takes it from boring to oh so chic!8. Gold Skull Print $14What better way to make something so ugly like a skull, look so classy, then by adding sheen gold? Brilliant!

There you have it!

Are you loving the skull elements on this list and need help making them work in your room?  Then holla at a girl over here!