My Self Care Tip for Mother's Day and Everyday

Enjoy some me time and I know this is easier said than done. I get it. Sometimes I have to sneak out of the house and escape to the car for some alone time (let's not forget about the times that I retreat to the bathroom to get away from the endless mami requests).  The point is that when alone time is much needed, I have to do what I have to do.

What I must say that has been a game changer to keeping my anxiety and depression in check is waking up earlier.I remember how I use to roll my eyes whenever I would hear people talk about how waking up earlier was a game changer for them. I mean I already wake up at 5:30a and can barely stay awake past 10p so I was thinking to myself (while I rolled my eyes)..."so waking up at 5a is going to help me feel better how exactly?!".

My Self Care Tip for Mother's Day & Everyday. Enjoy some me time and I know this is easier said than done. I get it. Sometimes I have to sneak out of the house and escape to the car for some alone time (let's not forget about the times that I re…

So after much hesitation, I gave in and compromised because half an hour for me is A LOT to have to give up. So now, I wake up at 5:15a on the weekdays (I'm still trying to find a way to wake up earlier on the weekends, but I haven't yet mastered it) and let me tell you...they were right!It's like the clouds parted and the choir started singing because just those extra little 15 minutes where I get to do some yoga, pray and meditate has really helped! I noticed my migraines becoming fewer and fewer because I am now able to pause my mind. You see I'm a huge thinker ( I stayyyy in my head) and so I always have a million and one things going on in my head ALL DAY LONG. I also have a short ass attention span because I'm always thinking about (the bills I have to pay, the appointment I have to make, the to do list I have to tackle and everything and anything else under the sun, my mind is ALWAYS racing and it's exhausting) so I tend to tune things and people out a lot of the time. So being in the present moment is something that I'm also working on, but I must say that when I started meditating in the mornings, my life changed. I also like to hold onto my crystals while I'm having my alone time.

I remember when I first started this little morning ritual of mine, I use to try to do too much (meditate, yoga, affirmations, journal and anything else I could squeeze into my 15 minutes including exercise - I know, I know, I always go overboard) and my me time soon became dreadful and so I've learned to only do what feels right for me.  Sot there are days that I only do yoga and pray or just stretch and pray with my crystals.  The point is that I've learned to let my intuition guide me with what feels right and I do that, but let me tell you this, whenever I skip my morning ritual, I end up having the worst day ever.  It's amazing to see how an extra 15 minutes of some alone time really has been life changing for me both physically and mentally.

So I say this to say, that as moms we have to, have to, I repeat, have to create some alone time for ourselves because at the end of the day what they say is true. If you're not okay, no one else is okay. You can't serve anyone including your kids if you're energy is depleted and as much as we love our kids, husband, mother, sister, brother, tio and fulana, we have to learn to put ourselves first.  Final.  End of story.

As a Latina, I know how hard this is because I grew up in a single family household with my mami and two sisters and my mother did it ALL.  So when I had my kids, I mirrored what I saw growing up and tried to do it all too.  To the point that my Superwoman cape was used and abused (holes and all).  I mean the S was barely visible, but I kept trying to save everyone and their mother and do it all. That's until the Universe put me in check.  Click here, if you want to read about my breakdown and ultimate breakthrough.

Now that I get these 15 minutes to myself every morning, I have fewer moments during the day where I need to run to the car to escape.  I feel more grounded, centered and just all around more patient with myself and those that are around me.

Whether you use this post as inspiration to create some alone time for yourself moving forward because you should be doing something everyday just for yourself (and you don't have to do what I do) do what works for you or maybe you use your 15 minutes to listen to music, your favorite podcast, journal, repeat some affirmations, draw, whatever that thing is for you that relaxes you, just do it. Because you deserve it on this Mother's Day and everyday!

Happy Mother's Day!